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Hi! My name is Katherine, I'm 17 years old, and I'm a rising senior high shcool student in the US. If you have questions, use this email:

Also, here's my Youtube Channel

Anime: NGE, Trigun(1998), Ghost in the Shell, SEL, Elfen Lied, Higurashi, Shiki (underrated asf!), Rozen Maiden, Black Butler, Elfen Lied, and of course, Death Note

Videogames: Soulsborne (Yes, including Sekiro and Elden Ring), Half-Life, Nier Automata, YS, Pathologic, Silent Hill, Yume Nikki, Corpse Party, Wolfenstein, and I dabble in Touhou

Music: Linkin Park, Frank Sinatra, Deftones, Gorillaz, Aphex Twin, Metro Station, The Postal Station, and I like to listen to breakcore/dnb/house mixes when I'm working. Idk man, I'm versatile

Books: The Little Prince, Dášeňka, My Year of Rest and Relaxation, The Virgin Suicides, anything by Agatha Christie

Misc: Twilight (FOR FUN), Star Wars, Pusheen the Cat

I've listed so many things that I'm blanking. I like a lot of things. but these are the most emblematic of my tastes I think.

FAQ (Is it still an faq if no one is asking any questions?)

Q: What does your site name (seisuiseki) mean?
A: Suiseiseki is the name of ome of the dolls from Rozen Maiden, but tragically, that domain was taken T_T I'm improvising until it frees up. It was supposed to be matsuri (festival in Japanese) orginally, but I think the current one is cooler.

Q: What are some of your goals with this site?
A: I want to be able to share stuff about my life without at the same doxxing myself LOL. I also want to make digital shrines, but first I have to level up my very basic coding skills. It'll happen eventually Q(`⌒´Q)

And another thing, while I don't mind keeping the site simple, I do basically use the same layout for every page, just with different headers/color schemes/bgs, etc. I like the blocky style a lot, but who knows, maybe I'll change it up someday and this site will be super crazy high-tech. Again, I need to get better at coding for that.

Q: Why Neocities? Why can't you just be a normal teenager??
A: Because Neocities is COOL. In all seriousness, I think social media is pretty boring and the sites are overrun by ai bots and porn and idiots AND the algorithms are broken anyways. Making a site from scratch is very fun, and it almost feels like an internet scrapbook in a way. Plus, I've always wanted my own blog. I think every teenager/young adult shoild have a blog. If I were president, that would be my first executive order.

© Seisuiseki by Katherine. All rights reserved.