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Cool Stuff

For anyone interested in making their own site, or just for other people interested in surfing the internet, I have a list of compiled resources of all kinds that I think are pretty fun to look at, as well as fun to use. Happy lurking ( ̄□ ̄」)

Buttons are fun to add to your site for visual noise and headaches; Sometimes they're also used by websites as icons that link back to themselves. A lot of these buttons are from defunct websites, but I've made sure to link back to active ones where I could
Decorative Buttons:

Active Sites:

(Has lots of gifs/icons, 5 stars)

(Emoticon Paradise)

I already linked to two resource websites above, but here are some other fun sites:

Kowabana; Japanese Horror. They also have a youtube.
Translated Eastern European Movies ; ...Translated Eastern European Movies
8831 ; Creates a map of how neocities sites link to each other via buttons. Fun to explore and find new sites with.
Pravoslavná církev ; Orthodoxy in the Czech Republic/Slovakia
Shiki Light Novel Translations ; Ok, this one is just for me, but I haven't been able to find the translated novel anywhere else, and Shiki is one of my all time favorite series. Maybe someone else will find this useful?

More will be added eventually, don't worry>:)

© Seisuiseki by Katherine. All rights reserved.